Awaken To Who You Truly Are​

Heal Your Pain & Suffering
Create a Life of Freedom:

A Life of Consciousness, Love, Joy, Peace, Creativity,
Purpose & Abundance

Hello Beautiful Soul,

I guide beautiful souls like you to heal their past and create the life they love: a life of pure consciousness, love, joy, peace, ease, creativity, purpose and abundance.

Life took a toll when I was 25, and all of a sudden research, healing & meditation became my lifeline. Since then, my healing journey has opened up wondrous avenues to be trained & facilitated by some of the world’s best healers & teachers. I have spent over 45,000 hours healing myself, meditating up to 15 hours a day.

Now, I am blessed to practise as a certified healing facilitator & meditation coach.

My heart has taken me on a beautiful journey of meeting & facilitating 100s of extraordinary people to heal through their own Self-Love & transform their life circumstances. 

I wake up every day enjoying the Life that I am, seeing the radiant love, joy, compassion & authentic power in these magnificent souls and creating an empowered & compassionate life.

You’ve been called here for a reason. I invite you to answer that call by joining me on my next one-on-ones, workshops and retreats by following the links above to ultimately create & live from the fullness of Being and to feel liberated, whole & complete within & without, which is One!


“Lakmali is a healer in the truest deepest sense. I feel so held and seen in such a loving warm embrace. She is absolutely present, helping me uncover the truth of who I am. ”
J. Richardson
California, USA​
“Lakmali has helped me to
re-connect with who I am like no one before. Beyond a spiritual experience, the way of embodiment."
Sydney, Australia
"Lakmali creates a profound sense of safety and trust, and for me this was immediate.
I felt paradoxically, both held closely, and at the same time I was invited to a vastness within, that felt like a true gift."
D. James
Vancouver, Canada​
Have you ever asked yourself,
why am I struggling with my life so much?
Well, you are not alone.

Past pain from childhood, relationships
or financial struggles, fears & limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind create
pain & suffering.

Would you like to let go of them &
create the life that you love?

I know your heart feels a calling to shift to the next level of your evolution.
Come join me.
I'll gently guide you through a powerful &
healing journey.
So you can be aligned once again with
your powerful, joyous, loving,
peaceful, fearless, intelligent & creative
Highest Self.
This will allow you to create & live
the life that you love.
Take action now.


Heal Your Pain & Suffering
Create a Life of Freedom:

A Life of Pure Consciousness, Love, Joy,
Peace, Creativity, Purpose & Abundance

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