Hello, Beautiful Soul,
I guide beautiful souls like you to heal their past and create the life they love: a life of Pure Consciousness, love, joy, peace, ease, purpose, creativity, prosperity, stability and abundance.
I first woke up to reality when I held space for my family to meditate at the age of 3. I learnt loving-kindness, breathing, mindfulness, impermanence and walking meditations from my grandfather. I had the privilege of meditating with him every day and being immersed in the radiant love and wisdom of my grandmother till the age of 9. They created a solid foundation for me by demonstrating how to live a great life.
The next chapter of my life unfolded away from my grandparents.
In Search of Meaning
With my father’s love and guidance and my mother’s unwavering support in my education, I became an engineer. I accomplished a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering in Sri Lanka and then a doctorate in electronics engineering in Australia.
I loved and enjoyed studying. No matter what I got to study, I felt blessed, grateful and honoured, yet I also knew something was out of alignment. My heart continually yearned to realise the truth of Life.
The graceful Life that we are, took a toll when I was 25. It directed me on a remarkable path through meditation, healing & research. This became my lifeline as I was persevering through university studies, doing 9-5 jobs, through tough relationships, illnesses and hardships in life.
I had 3 migraine attacks a week for 24 years. My cervical spine degenerated and I also suffered from a shoulder and wrist injury and pelvic misalignment for many years. My whole body was in great pain due to the trauma I experienced in life.
I struggled not knowing a way out of my physical pain and mental & emotional suffering. I mostly lived in silence and lost my singing voice for 2 decades.
The Turning Point
I reached out and asked for help. Byron Katie’s phenomenal self-inquiry technique called The Work came into my life.
Since that moment, I sat in meditation for hours, days and years, healing what created suffering for me in the mind. I flew to the US and participated in Katie’s extraordinary School for The Work. I learnt how to meet the egoic mind with love and understanding and awaken to Reality: the Pure Consciousness: the unconditionally loving, powerful, peaceful, and joyous True Self.
All previously practised meditations enhanced and harmoniously aligned with such deep inquiry.
My Results
I know your heart feels a calling, just like mine did. I invite you to answer that calling now. Join me in my next one-on-one session, workshop or retreat to realise who you Truly are and ultimately create from the fullness of Being and to feel liberated, whole & complete within & without, which is One.
Step into your empowered self now. You are the One you’ve been looking for. You can never go wrong in investing in yourself, it is self-honour, which is Self-Love.
Dr Lakmali Atapattu