The graceful Life that we are, took a toll when I was 25. All of the sudden, research, healing & meditation became my lifeline as I was persevering through university studies, doing 9-5 jobs, through tough relationships, illnesses and hardships in life.
I had 3 migraine attacks a week for 24 years. My cervical spine degenerated and I also suffered from a shoulder & wrist injury for many years. My whole body was in great pain due to the trauma I experienced in life.
I struggled not knowing a way out of my own physical, mental & emotional pain & suffering. I mostly lived in silence and lost my singing voice for 2 decades.
I reached out and asked for help. Byron Katie’s self-inquiry technique called The Work came into my life.
Since that moment, I sat in meditation for up to 15 hours a day for 6 years, healing what created suffering for me in the mind. I flew to the US and participated in Katie’s extraordinary School for The Work. I learnt how to meet the egoic mind with love and understanding and awaken to reality: the unconditionally loving, powerful, peaceful, joyous True Self.
All previously practised meditation techniques from loving-kindness to mindfulness to nonduality or oneness became congruent with The Work enhancing and strengthening the process of letting go, healing, integrating and awakening.
My life has been exceptionally transformative & beautiful with such deep inner exploration.
Byron Katie’s The Work is a simple yet powerful and proven self-inquiry technique for getting to the root of karmic imprints or conditioning in the subconscious mind and healing, integrating past trauma, letting go of limiting beliefs, energy & abundance blocks & fears in one’s mind. This leads to realising & embodying the pure Beingness, the True Self. It has helped millions of people around the world.
The curriculum of this program is designed for participants to learn to unlearn or let go of what the mind innocently holds on to & create the life that they love using the following 4 modules:
A powerful and gentle guided meditation to:
Use a simple, proven and powerful self-inquiry technique called The Work of Byron Katie:
A short and powerful mindfulness technique observing your breath to:
A proven and simple guided meditation and journaling to:
A powerful guided visualisation exercise to
Only your thoughts limit you from realising your True Self: the pure awareness (sat), intelligence (chit) and joy (ananda) that you are. You are not your mind or your trauma. All human beings are conditioned to think and behave based on the environment they were born into, genetics and their childhood experiences. These conditions keep you imprisoned in your mind. These thoughts & beliefs restrict and postpone you from realising who you truly are, realising your inherent freedom, love, joy, peace, creativity and intelligence that you are. These conditioned mind patterns keep you giving into social, cultural, familial and religious norms or concepts in the mind: the collective unconsciousness that is trapped in suffering. Here are a few:
3. You have the clarity & power to take action, to move forward
This is a powerful way to live your life. Don’t you feel that this is true in your core?
Every human being develops through different stages of the evolution of consciousness. Research scientists of spiral dynamics explain how a human being evolves from suffering to awake awareness and self-sovereignty. If you want to evolve your consciousness to the next level, then you need new capabilities to get there.
I know your heart feels a calling, just like mine did. I invite you to answer that calling now. Join me on this healing adventure to ultimately create on purpose and to feel liberated, whole & complete within & without. Step into your empowered self now. You are the One you’ve been looking for. You never go wrong in investing in yourself.
Dr Lakmali Atapattu